Income tax return for individuals: completed together and send immediately during the appointment

mijnonlinebelastingadviseur certainly helps

Did you buy and/or sell a house last year?

Did you take out a mortgage last year?

Did you get a divorce last year?

You can make an appointment immediately with mijnonlinebelastingadviseur, and we will help you complete the income tax.

Not sure whether you have completed the tax return correctly?

Not sure why you get or have to pay much less than what you expected?
Make an appointment immediately with mijnonlinebelastingadviseur, and we will help you find the mistake or we can explain why it is correct.

Special circumstances

Do special circumstances make the tax return more difficult than expected? You can make an appointment immediately with mijnonlinebelastingadviseur, and we will help you complete the tax return.

Tax return; we will check it together and fix it immediately

Complete, check and correct income tax return online for the previous year.

Complete, check and correct the income tax return for the past five years.

Apply for allowances and make the necessary arrangements.

Send the tax return directly to the tax authorities.

Make a request for an immediate tax refund.

Don't pay more than necessary

When completing the tax return, mijnonlinebelastingadviseur checks to which tax benefits apply to you.

mijnonlinebelastingadviseur is safe

The software we work with is secure. After we contact you by phone, you will receive a unique code from us to connect to your screen.
After your approval, we will send the return to the tax authorities together. We will not keep any documents from you after that.
After the conversation, you close the session and from that moment it is impossible for us to look at your screen.
In short, it is safe, your privacy is paramount.
If you want to ask mijnonlinebelastingadviseur about working methods, safety, payment, reliability, connection method or anything else, please send an e-mail with your question, name and telephone number


The prices include checking and adjusting tax return(s).


Over last year
per person


Over last year
including tax partner


Over last five years
per person

€ 215,00

Over last five years
including tax partner
You pay with iDeal.

These are the advisors – they are happy to help you



mijnonlinebelastingadviseur gives everyone the opportunity to reclaim excess tax and to properly arrange allowances.’



mijnonlinebelastingadviseur ensures that income taxes and allowances are correct and properly arranged. In addition, it is great to also get money back from the tax authorities, if possible.'



‘With mijnonlinebelastingadviseur there is face-to-face personal contact. Customers deserve and receive the appropriate attention.’



‘I am a people person, always positive and I think in possibilities instead of limitations. I am goal-oriented and eager to achieve results.’

Jan Peter

Jan Peter

‘With mijnonlinebelastingadviseur I am able to help everyone with filling in the income tax and allowances.’

Why mijnonlinebelastingadviseur?

Warranty for 1 year after filling out the form

Professional and reliable

Competent and fast

A guaranteed correct declaration

Correct allowances

Reliability of mijnonlinebelastingadviseur

mijnonlinebelastingadviseur (as part of Cazis Fiscale Hulp) has already filed more than 30,000 tax returns.
Cazis and mijnonlinebelastingadviseur work for many municipalities.
The advisors of mijnonlinebelastingadviseur are extremely reliable and very professional.
mijnonlinebelastingadviseur works with iDeal , with which you pay in advance.

How does mijnonlinebelastingadviseur work?

It works very easily, as if we are sitting next to each other.
After making an appointment, you will receive an email from us with a link.

Choose the desired package and make an appointment in our agenda.

Fill in the requested information.

After payment you will receive an e-mail with an explanation and a link for making contact by telephone.

Contact will be made at the agreed time. The tax return and (possibly) the allowances will be discussed with you online and sent immediately.

During the appointment you will be guided step by step through the various packages and options once more. You can make another choice at that time.

Didn't receive an email? Send a message to, stating your name and telephone number. We will then contact you as soon as possible.


Hans van den Berg, Drachten
'When I fill out the tax return, I never know whether I’m missing something and whether I’m doing it right. You give me certainty.’
Jan Mensing, Vlissingen
‘I sold a house and bought a house and I have double mortgage costs for two months now. Besides that, there is the distribution of the sold house. I get a stomachache just thinking about the tax form.’
Wendy Brouwer, Zevenaar
‘So nice that I can also make an appointment in the evening.’


The formula of has been used by us for years at Cazis , the tax aid for municipalities.

Met 30.000 screenings, Cazis has succesfully requested 16 million euros in tax money back.

Customer satisfaction

A nice quote from a customer:

‘The consultant took all the time we needed, he explained where and why he made an adjustment, he always asked if I agreed (He didn’t have to because I trusted him completely) and at the end of the appointment, I had a lot less tax to pay. Definitely recommended for anyone who is doubting whether he/she is filling a tax return in the right way.’
Rate our services — 9,6
Are you satisfied with the achieved result? — 9,6
What grade do you give our consultant? — 9,4
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